
No one expects the inquisition...

Chapter 1: Troubleshooters Take Aim

Started by CrustyGeek, May 14, 2017, 08:47:37 PM

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You are woken up an hour earlier than usual.

"Good Morning citizen! Today is your lucky day!! You have been selected to become a Troubleshooter. Please arrive at Sector 5 in 30 minutes. Every minute late will result in a 25% reduction in today's food ration

"Have a nice day!"

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


Sally opened her eyes and blinked the sleep out of her eyes, stretched, then promptly rolled out of bed hitting the floor with a thud. It was her routine way to wake herself up. It helped being on the top bunk, and it worked... usually. She stood up. Farted, scratched her balls then made her way for a quick shower. Today was the day, oh boy oh boy, today she finally got to help Friend Computer! Finishing her daily ablutions she hurriedly threw on her red jumpsuit, collected her possessions stuffing them in to various pockets and made her way to the dorm door. Sector 5. She had to be on time. She needed her food. On the way she'd keep her eye out for any dead rodents. You never know this really could be the best day of her life. Ever! She set herself a jaunty smile and walked out the door, desperately trying not to skip as she went.


Terence work to the announcement
"me a trouble shooter wow" quickly he got dressed checked his appearance in the mirror carefully placed his equipment on his belt and re-checked the mirror 
"yes everything in order" he opened the door and set of to sector 5.
Glancing round the corridor at the others he resisted a smile today with any luck he would be higher than these and he had his suspicions about some of them.


You both arrive at the same time to the briefing room

See map

A tall man in a green lab coat is waiting. He is carrying a green clipboard and looks very happy to see you.

"Welcome! Come in! Sit down! You both arrived 10 minutes early. So well done - you will get first pick of the technology we have to offer you."

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


"Anything to be of assistance to Friend Computer sir," beamed Sally proudly. She wondered what sort of technology the man in green meant, but she knew better than to ask any questions at this time of a man who's green apparel showed he clearly outranked her. Her fellow troubleshooter was a different matter entirely. She looked him up and down. The words, traitor, mutant or communist didn't leap out at her in big bold glowing lights, which obviously meant he was one or all of them. He'd bear watching closely. Sally wiped her hand across her beard before offering it to her new companion, "Hi, I'm Sally"


"glad to be of service sir" Said Terence wondering at the new marvels the new tech may be. glancing to the right the man called sally was offering a sweaty hand out he inwardly grimaced and quickly touched his hand "hi Terence" he turned his attention back to the green man in front.


The man walked to a projector and turned it on. In front of you, a large screen sputters to life and the words.

Welcome Troubleshooters

appears on the screen.

He presses a button and the following appears:

My name is [insert name here]

"Ah... let me see...." he shuffles some papers.


"Ahem. My name is Ben-G-Ren. I am your Briefing Officer for this mission. You will contact me via your Personal Digital Companion, known as your PDC. You will not contact unauthorised personel on this device. If you do, you will be terminated."

He shuffles the papers again and presses a button

The Mission

  • Clean up Sector 8-4-3-47
  • Report back to Sector 5
  • Try not to die

"Now that doesn't look too tricky, now does it? It's just a simple mission - you need to take a couple of mops and buckets and a laser pistol and maybe a couple of other items.

We've had a bit of an accident over at Sector 8-4-3-47. So it's your job to give everything a bit of a spruce up and come back.

"As there are only two of you, I will assign the following roles:

"Terence you are Happiness Officer

"Sally - you can be Team Leader"

He shuffles his papers again.

"Any questions?"

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


'Happiness officer me thank you sir" Said terence login into his pdc standing up he waits for Sally.


Ben hands Terrence a large badge with a red smiley face on it.

"Wear this badge of honour with pride. And keep everyone smiling."

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


"T-T-T-Team Leader?" stammered Sally so happy that she almost caused another mess that would have required a mop and a bucket, "Why thank you Sir. I'll do my utmost to make you and Friend Computer proud."


Ben hands Sally a large badge with "I am the Boss" emblazoned on it. It is a lovely shade of red.

A buzzer sounds


"Now Troubleshooters. Let's get to the lab so you can be allocated your equipment." Ben leaves from a door that you hadn't noticed before. The door stays open with a slightly annoying high pitched "Weeeeee"ing sound

Roll a D20 and add your shoe size to it please :D

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]

+8 shoe size.


Terence looks from the door to sally then sets of for the whining door.


"A badge? Wowwww!" said Sally, pinning it to her ample chest.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+12 : 16 + 12, total 28[/blockquote]


Ben gives you each a large red box, which is about 3 foot by 4 foot. Stencilled on the side of the box is your name and the words

Corpse Incineration Container

"Here are your equipment allocations."

Inside each box you find:


  • Pair of goggles
  • Laser pistol
  • 2 power cells
  • Grenade launcher
  • 2 plain grey grenades with the word "Experimental" stencilled on them


  • Laser rifle
  • 3 power cells
  • Grenade launcher
  • 10 plain grey grenades with the word "Experimental" stencilled on them
  • Chainsaw

He also hands you a mop and bucket.

"Right then. Off you go! Stay happy, stay loyal and please try to stay alive"

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!