
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Chapter 1: Troubleshooters Take Aim

Started by CrustyGeek, May 14, 2017, 08:47:37 PM

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"Catchy, one of the all time classics," beamed Sally, "I wonder if they do requests?"
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]


Sally begins to feel happy. Then a bit more happy. Then amazingly happy. Then utterly euphoric - the world is wonderful, life is a gift and everything is well in the world.


Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


Sally started to cry with happiness. She had never been happier. Her heart pounded and her bosom nearly exploded with joy. Happiness. So much happiness. She felt that she needed to express her happiness, share her happiness. Her eyes alighted upon Terence. That's it. She would show him happiness. The ultimate joy! Pure orgasmic happiness! Sultrily, well as sultry you can be with a beard and a red jumpsuit, she walked towards him, eyes full of desire...


Smiling terence turns to sally "thi thont think thi feel thwell" sticking his tonuge out.


"I feel... awesome!" said Sally tracing a finger down the curvature of Terence's face, "Here let me show you" beginning to unzip her jumpsuit....


Terence "thorry thim thogoing tooo be thsi..." bleruge "oh sor" bleruge
standing up stright "ththere ththat thfeels Thbetter" looking to sally "sorry" Terence dips his mop in the bucket.


There is vomit.


[gm]Can you both role a D20?[/gm]

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]


"That's the spirit! So happy you're sick!!!" beamed Sally
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]


Sally is so happy and is filled with joy joy feelings.

Terence's swollen tongue starts to go back to normal and the nausea is fading. The strange tingling in his extremities remain - it feels like tiny electric shocks pulsing through his fingers, toes, nose and scalp.

[gm]Terence must add a MINUS 3 to all rolls until further notice as the tingling is super distracting and more than a little uncomfortable.  :flameon:[/gm]

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


You both continue past the happiness corridor, and walk past a door with a strange greeny-yellow light seeping out from under the door. You can both hear a high pitched buzzing noise from behind the door.

In front of you there is a sign

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


"So Terence or Terry or Tel, which do you prefer? Shall we take the lift? Though it is a lovely day for a walk," chattered Sally


"lift i think as walking may make us later than what we are, i do appologies for the mess" says terence "T is fine Sally"


You both enter the lift. There is a button for Sector 8, Subsection 4-3.

You press the button.

The lift door closes.
You hear

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


"very pleasant music don't you think" says T watching sally