
No one expects the inquisition...

Chapter 1: Troubleshooters Take Aim

Started by CrustyGeek, May 14, 2017, 08:47:37 PM

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"ew your eye looks bad" said terence "well onwards" he steps into the room quickly looks round and head for the next door.


[gm]Who is going to risk the eye scanner this time?  :flameon: Make a decision and that troubleshooter needs to roll a D20[/gm]

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


"Me or thee T?" asked Sally cheerfully, "I wouldn't want to have all the fun!"


"oh erm yes but you are the leader and that does mean you should lead" says t nervously "but glad to see you smiling still"


"Okaydokey, pig in a pokey!" said Sally assuming the position again.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]





The pain in Sally's eye is sharper and there seems to be strange wriggly things dancing in and out of her vision in that eye. The iris has also gone a rather fetching shade of mauve.

Another corridor, another door.

[gm]Want to play again?  :bangin: :bangin: :bangin:[/gm]

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


"Wooooooooowwwwww!!!" gasped Sally half in ecstacy, half in excruciating pain, "This must be like how a night out in the 1980's felt," before spying the next door, "Me again! Me again!" running down the corridor towards the door....


Following on terance thinks to himself *my job is done sally is happy*
"are you ok" asks t.


"I'm superduper!" replied Sally loudly grinning ear to ear,"Are you okay?"


"im great sally feeling a lot better now" says t walking up to the side of the next door.


"Ooh, are you gonna have a go now?" clapped Sally giddily


"i guess i should as we are a team" says t stepping up to the eye scanner and bracing himself.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]


Oh dear.

Terrance is in pain.

A lot of pain.

Searing pain.

Also - he is now blind in one eye.

Though the door does open. This room has two doors. One has an iris reader with a red band and the other has an iris reader with a green band.

[ooc]This is fun![/ooc]

[gm]Who fancies going next?  :badger: :badger: :badger:[/gm]

Breaking Salroth since 2004
New board, new bugs!


"argh oh my god that hurts"
"Oh great now i can not see out of my eye"


"That's the spirit" laughs Sally slapping T heartily on the back, "And don't worry about your eye, you have two" stepping up to the red banded reader.